Thawed chicken breasts....

Late Tues. pm, I put chicken in the fridge to defrost. Long story short, got really busy and both Wed. and Thurs. dinners were derailed.
Hopefully will have time to cook them this afternoon...but are they still safe?

According to the USDA, 'Once the raw chicken thaws, it can be kept in the refrigerator an additional day or two before cooking.' A little vague - does my time-frame seem to comply? (They smell fine - but I normally cook meat as soon as it's defrosted, so not sure if that's any gauge.) Would hate to toss them, but serving family toxic waste is never a good idea.

  • Posted by: amysarah
  • December 30, 2011


amysarah December 30, 2011
Okay, good. Figured it was probably okay, but better to err on the side of caution. Thanks!

Voted the Best Reply!

jmburns December 30, 2011
They should be fine as long as they do not smell bad. This often happens to me and never had a problem.
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