Great recipes for cooking with kids

Three of my grandchildren love to cook with me when they come to visit, which as luck would have it, is pretty often. I want to encourage them, and it's become a bonding activity for all of us. Their ages: 4, 6, and 7. What do your kids or grandkids love to cook with you?



Julia C. January 10, 2012
Make whole wheat pizza dough before they come then have all different toppings and have kids make there own personal pizza
Stephanie G. January 10, 2012
Any kids cookbook from Williams Sonoma is good, and they have a few kids recipes on their website too. You might also try Kitchen for Kids by Jennifer Low.
meganvt01 January 10, 2012
My son loved making the rugelah recipe from this site - what a blast - anything with kneading, flour, and rolling he likes. I especially love having him in the kitchen if not just to re-introduce myself to the simplest ingredients - handing him the garlic and having him smell it - creating those food memories and teaching. what a great experience.
bugbitten January 10, 2012
Well, if you're looking for something very simple, I notice myself having a lot of childlike fun making Rosemary Thyme Pita Chips from machef, on this site. After you do the cutting up, it's kid's work. They take only two minutes to cool, so there's not that forever wait.
Greenstuff January 10, 2012
When my daughter was small, she had a lot of cookbooks. One notable one is Cooking with Children by Marion Cunningham, subtitled "fifteen lessons for children age 7 and up, who really want to learn to cook."
amysarah January 10, 2012
Since my daughter was no more than 6 or 7, we've been making ricotta gnocchi together - I'd mix up the dough and she'd roll it in ropes ('snakes',) cut into pieces, then roll them against a fork to make grooves. We also do dumplings together a lot - an assembly line: she lays out the wrappers, I plonk down filling and she folds and seals the edges. She's in college, and we still do both - and she's still better and neater at it than I am.

Another thing I often did with both kids was crepes - when they were little, theirs weren't the thinnest or most elegant...then again, we rarely had the queen to dinner. They loved picking their own fillings - whatever cheeses, jams, fruit, nutella, etc. we had around.

My kids also liked dredging the fish/chicken/whatever into the flour, the egg, then the crumbs. Or bread into egg mixture for french toast.

Generally when they were little, anything that could be dipped, rolled (meatballs, matzoh balls, prosciutto around melon, etc.) or otherwise 'played' with was a big hit. As was making ice cream, for obvious reasons.
Dona January 10, 2012
One more thing, she always goes home with a copy of the recipe and digital pictures of the process. And the finished product. She is making a scrapbook and I think she will cherish this long after I'm gone.
Dona January 10, 2012
My 11 year old granddaughter loves cooking and sewing. I'm the cooking grandma, and her other Grandma is the sewing mentor. This summer we focused on learning to use fondant to decorate cakes. We made some awesome cakes and learned together. I have been focusing on introducing as many savory dishes as sweet dishes and she has made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for her dad ..(special request from her dad). It's great fun. I bought her a Poliwog kids knife from Rachael Ray.
Devangi R. January 10, 2012
All of these ideas are awesome, you might wanna add to it may be making cake pops and then letting them decorate them, the idea of making pizza reminds me of a scene from the movie " No reservations" where the actor makes pizza with a small girl and then they sit under some tent made by bedsheets in their living room and eat pizza with hands without plates saying that they are on safari...isn't it fun to do plates to clean, even the idea of making smoothie Popsicle is good but not for the winter season..i think so..i have simple recipe Blueberry Banana Smoothie Recipe
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 cups orange juice
1 banana, cut in pieces
½ cup milk (soy milk or almond milk is good option)
Agave nectar (in replace of sugar)
Vanilla greek yogurt
Add ingredients together in blender and blend until smooth.
Turn smoothies into Popsicles. I love the idea of granola bar station by making home made granola and then arranging everything granola, fresh fruits , raspberry sauce, greek yogurt etc and letting your grandkids make their own Granola parfait.
You might wanna try making a muffin tree as a craft project shown by Tiger in a Jar videos. I love that muffin tree...and one more thing to add if you are by any chance in NY or closer to NY kids food festival is coming up in Byrant park.
Happy Cooking !
Dona January 10, 2012
Abby Dodge Cooking with Kids is good.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
Thanks! As it happens, I'm part of her monthly online baking group through her blog and have really fallen in love with her recipes. GREAT idea!
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
I love these ideas, everyone! I have them help me with a bunch of little things, which they love, but am definitely interested in a project for them. Two of them will be visiting for about a week in February, and I love the pizza, pasta and cupcakes. Granola would be great too, and I love the crackers idea. I have a pasta machine that I'm thinking we'll bring out for the visit. Oh, and and biscuits would be perfect too. Anyway, really great ideas here!! I'll also check out Molly Katzen's Honest Pretzels Cookbook - any others you'd recommend?
Panfusine January 10, 2012
My kid loves to make his own Pizza, (its pretty much adding his choice of toppings etc), making cupcakes (helping to mix the batter, pour it into cups), cookies (cutting them with the shapes), mixing Cooked pasta with sauce.... as chefjune says, almost nothing thats off limits with your supervision.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
I'm thinking pizza, pasta and cupcakes will definitely be on the menu! Thanks Panfusine!
ChefJune January 10, 2012
Based on their interests, there's almost nothing that's off limits with your supervision. From my experiences as a cooking teacher I can recommend pizza, mac and cheese (the baked kind), all sorts of pastas and sauces, fish sticks, chicken fingers, and of course, cookies, cupcakes, fudge. But as a child who cooked from a very early age, I wouldn't limit it to those if they show interest in prepping veggies, or making sushi. Their imagination and your patience are the only limiters, imho.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
I love these ideas, ChefJune. These are the foods they really like to eat too. We made chicken noodle soup together over Christmas, which was a lot of fun. They hung in there, but it took a little too long for them. A few steps and something they can all do is what works best. They all wanted to put stuff in the soup, and I was getting nervous someone was going to get burned, since there was a little shoving going on....

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Stephanie G. January 10, 2012
My daughter is almost seven and we have cooked many things in Molly Katzen's Honest Preztels Cookbook. She loves to knead dough and make granola. She can almost make our weekly granola by herself...I do the oven stirring, etc. She also loves to make Martha Stewart's One Bowl Chocolate cupcakes and the crackers from Thomas Keller's Ad Hoc at Home. She can do all the kneading and cutting herself for the crackers. We gave her a child's knife for Christmas and she chopped all the veggies for my vegetable stock yesterday! Great job for a child learning to use a knife! I cut the carrots into smaller sticks and she cut them into 1 inch pieces. She also loves to emulsify dressing and tear lettuce! Her hands never tire of shaking the jar or whisking dressing. Her next wish is to learn to pipe frosting. I have taken great pride in her accomplishments in the kitchen, as you can tell.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
You've got quite a sous chef there! She's doing great - a future top chef in the making.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
BTW, do you have any kids cookbooks you might recommend?
inpatskitchen January 10, 2012
My 5 grandchildren range in age from 3 to 7 and I'm known as Cookie Grandma because we all help in making cookies around here!!
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
And who doesn't love cookies!!
the R. January 10, 2012
My grandsons, 6 & 7 love to help me make biscuits, pizza. They also have their own garden bed, I let them choose which veggies to plant . They love to eat what they grow. They also have their own chickens. I want them to know where their food comes from.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
I love that you have a garden with them, and chickens! Some of my best memories as a kid was helping in the garden and collecting eggs from chickens with opinions :-)
sdebrango January 10, 2012
We love making cupcakes, the kids have so much fun adding ingredients that are their own special touches. We also make scrambled eggs, again adding things they love. Brownies, cookies, banana bread (they love to mash the banana's. I made chocolate cupcakes with Maia and she added mini marshmallow's and chocolate chips and calls them Maia's rocky road cupcakes (she thought of the name herself) Maia's special scrambled eggs contain sour cream and grated cheddar cheese.
sdebrango January 10, 2012
My grand kids are 4 and 6 (almost 7) same age!
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
Such fun ages - they're so curious about everything I do. They love guessing what all my greens are. It sounds like you've done a lot of cooking with Maia :-)
sdebrango January 10, 2012
Whenever Maia and Laila come over we cook, over the years I have done a lot of cooking especially with Maia, I bought her a set of Jr cooking utensils from Williams Sonoma it came with a great little kids cookbook, She cooks at home also with Mom.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
GREAT idea. Wish I'd thought to do this for Christmas presents! I will look into this for their visit!
sdebrango January 10, 2012
I am trying to take pictures every time we cook and am in the process of (attempting) to make a cookbook for Maia with the recipes she loves to make and a picture of her making (eating) the recipes. I hope to have it for her next Christmas.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
What a terrific idea! If you don't mind, I think I'll start to do the same thing. My 7-year-old granddaughter in particular would just love it.
sdebrango January 10, 2012
Please do, lets exchange recipes and idea's. I think the kids will love it. I am going to have it bound and it will be something I hope she will enjoy.
TheWimpyVegetarian January 10, 2012
I would LOVE that! You've got a deal! This will be a lot of fun :-)
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