Favorite inclement weather dishes?

Here in Seattle we don't have a lot of snow storms, last one in 2008. And don't recall an ice storm. Now we have both. Long set-up for the question: What is your favorite dish to make on days where "city officials ask you to stay home"?

P.S. In all fairness, since we don't get snow etc. we don't have the same equipment that Boston or Denver has.

  • Posted by: SKK
  • January 19, 2012


Suzanne D. January 21, 2012
My favorite would be a pot roast made with red wine and root veggies. Once that's done make a batch of mash potatoes. Place a serving of mashed potatoes in a bowl and 1 serving of the pot roast on top .....yummm
beyondcelery January 20, 2012
Maybe it's the color, but I always want coconut when it snows. This Seattle snow storm, I made chicken roulade stuffed with ground pine nuts, macadamia nuts, basil, and (homemade) curry powder, baked it in coconut milk, and served it over a sauce of carrots and caramelized onions cooked down with coconut milk till it's almost jellied. Coconut brown rice and soy sauce broccoli on the side. I also go into a baking frenzy when I'm housebound, so this time around I keep making (gluten-free) focaccia. I think a focaccia grilled cheese might go nicely with some tomato soup later!
SKK January 20, 2012
Are you going to post these recipes, please?
beyondcelery January 20, 2012
I'm working on the focaccia recipe, so you might see it soon. As for the rest, well, I made all that up on the spot. I basically just pounded out a couple of chicken breasts, spread them with ground pine nuts, ground macadamia nuts, salt, pepper, about 1/2 tsp curry powder per breast, and a spoonful of tomato jam. Then I rolled up the breasts, seasoned with salt and black pepper, seared them quickly to seal the seams, and baked in a glass dish in a mixture of 1/4 cup coconut milk and 2 Tbls peanut oil, about 375F for 20-30 minutes, covered. While that baked, I caramelized a whole onion, tossed in some finely chopped carrots, fresh ginger, and garlic, then poured over about 3/4 cup coconut milk, 1/4 cup water, and let it all simmer 20-30min till a lot of the liquid evaporated and the coconut milk just began to jelly. Salt and black pepper to taste. I hope that helps, SKK!
SKK January 20, 2012
Helps a lot! Thank you for sharing it. Tomorrow dinner!
SKK January 20, 2012
Helps a lot! Thank you for sharing it. Tomorrow dinner!
cookinginvictoria January 20, 2012
Syroanai, Yum! Next snow storm I am hopping on the ferry and coming to your place for dinner! We got a fair bit of snow too with frigid temperatures in Victoria. I have made tastefood's yummy Roasted Beet Soup with Ginger, Blood Orange and Orange Creme Fraiche (not exactly a summer recipe but I had beets and blood oranges on hand and the idea of soup was irresistible), homemade pizza (w/ ricotta salata, brooccoli, roasted red pepper and fennel). My Grandmother's recipe for red chile enchiladas and roast chicken are on the menu for the weekend!
SKK January 20, 2012
Cooking in Victoria, I think we should all come to your house! I know I should know this and I don't - is your Grandmother's enchilada sauce posted? Really looking for a good sauce and you make the best.
beyondcelery January 21, 2012
I'm with SKK: CookinginVictoria, we're coming to your place next time it snows! Here's my gluten-free focaccia recipe. I haven't put it on Food52, though I may later:
Helen's A. January 20, 2012
Whenever we have a hurricane I make a Mulligatawny soup. Tradition started when I was first living on my own and made a batch during a hurricane. Now I have to make a batch for each one.

Anything braised or roasted is a great choice. Some homemade bread is also great!
pierino January 20, 2012
A little menudo will perk you right up or maybe trippa alla romana. We're coming off a week of super cold weather for this part of California; low temperatures in the upper teens. Tagines are good with some warm Moroccan flavors. And then there's Korean style bibimbap with a nice runny egg on top...
inpatskitchen January 20, 2012
SOUP...SOUP...SOUP!!! Usually there's always something in the pantry and fridge to make one especially if you don't want to leave the house.
Panfusine January 20, 2012
Masala tea, & Vada pav, I guess the inclement weather foods are very indicative of what one grows up with!
jmburns January 20, 2012
Veal Stew or almost anything braised. At home the smells of a pot roast or chicken in the oven is heaven.
healthierkitchen January 20, 2012
We're pretty boring around here: usually chili or ragu, maybe a streamlined coq au vin or chicken in reisling. Unless we lose power, which happens too frequently, then we cook whatever is in the fridge.

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Sam1148 January 20, 2012
One of the best meals I've made was in a week long poweroutage in a icestorm. and a couple of neighbors came over as they didn't have heat.

We have a fire place..and the freezer stock was rapidly going. Had a whole chicken defrosted. And a fireplace.
Stuffed that sucker with a onion, lemon, rosemary, rubbed it down with garlic and balsamic vinegar, salt in and under the skin. I had a Middle eastern "sword"...Okay a big 1 inch wide cheap metal 'sword" thing. Skewered the bird, propped it up on the back of the oak wood fireplace and turned with tongs occasionally. Thew in a couple of bricks in the hot coals. And people took turns pounding out Hummus, in mortar and pistil. And making quick flat bread in small disks cooked on the hot bricks. "interactive food" on demand. Everyone pitched in cooking their own disk of bread.
sdebrango January 19, 2012
Oh yes chili, perfect cold weather food. I also plan on making boulangere's delicious hot chocolate recipe and gingerroots Dirty Chai Toddy.
ubs2007 January 19, 2012
Short ribs, roast chicken and anything with a curry in it:):). We also love anything baked: cookies, bread pudding.
Bevi January 19, 2012
I too love a roast chicken, and make sure I have the supplies to extend leftovers into a curry, pot pie, and soup. Chili is always a great snowstorm meal for us. Then there is pot roast that can last for days. But I always make sure I have the pantry ingredients for chili.
sdebrango January 19, 2012
I love to bake, my new obsession is bread. Soup, just made a roast chicken with potato, carrot and shallot baked in pan drippings, a great cold weather food and good sandwiches the next day.
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