Favorite inclement weather dishes?
Here in Seattle we don't have a lot of snow storms, last one in 2008. And don't recall an ice storm. Now we have both. Long set-up for the question: What is your favorite dish to make on days where "city officials ask you to stay home"?
P.S. In all fairness, since we don't get snow etc. we don't have the same equipment that Boston or Denver has.
Recommended by Food52
Anything braised or roasted is a great choice. Some homemade bread is also great!
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We have a fire place..and the freezer stock was rapidly going. Had a whole chicken defrosted. And a fireplace.
Stuffed that sucker with a onion, lemon, rosemary, rubbed it down with garlic and balsamic vinegar, salt in and under the skin. I had a Middle eastern "sword"...Okay a big 1 inch wide cheap metal 'sword" thing. Skewered the bird, propped it up on the back of the oak wood fireplace and turned with tongs occasionally. Thew in a couple of bricks in the hot coals. And people took turns pounding out Hummus, in mortar and pistil. And making quick flat bread in small disks cooked on the hot bricks. "interactive food" on demand. Everyone pitched in cooking their own disk of bread.