dish for serving oysters

do you have one?

  • Posted by: roxanne
  • August 9, 2013


Jill August 9, 2013
Dymnyno has your answer. If you haven't an oyster plate (highly collectible) we've always been creative in our options...nestled onto dried beans works well for hot or chilled. Depending on where you live and whats available we've also served halfshells and horsebacks on rinsed seaweed. Of course hoy oyster hot rice or chilled oyster shredded veg will work as well.

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dymnyno August 9, 2013
I have some old fashioned oyster plates that have 6 little indentations where the shucked oysters fit. It kind of looks like the same kind of plate that deviled eggs fit on. If the oysters are on the half shell, I use a shallow bowl of very coarse salt and nestle them in without getting salt in the shell. You could also use shaved ice.
Kristen M. August 9, 2013
How about this one?
nicole March 13, 2014
Are the oyster plates sold out? Will you be getting more in stock?
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