Do you cook lasgna in oven and then freeze or knowing you are not going to serve for 5 days, freeze un cooked? Noodles/Sauce are done.

Chef Cliff


nat666 January 31, 2012
We always freeze it uncooked and then put it straight in the oven still frozen and just double the cooking time (it ends up taking around 40 minutes or so).
susanm January 31, 2012
i've had success using no bake noodles (look for an imported italian brand) and putting the entire thing together COLD. cold sauce, cold filling, cold everything...then double wrap & freeze. that way the noodles are only baked once.
Mr_Vittles January 31, 2012
I believe both would work, but I would err on the side of caution and freeze before cooking. Pasta is a fickle ingredient that has a tendency to over absorb liquid, cooking the pasta, and then recooking it the oven is already a dicey game. To freeze and then reheat is just upping the chances you'll get mushy, overcooked pasta. Freezing before cooking, will not guarantee perfectly cooked pasta either, but it would be logical that heating the pasta twice instead of three times will likely yield better results.
bigpan January 31, 2012
I cook it, then freeze. That gives the lasagna the great taste it only can gear from cooking. Although you can freeze uncooked the flavors do not mingle and get happy.

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palletdancer January 31, 2012
I freeze uncooked and it works perfectly. I had the same concerns and after much online research, that is my method and it turns out beautifully! Once assembled, I wrap in foil, then in plastic. Let it thaw for a bit before going into oven, or it will take almost 2 hours.
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