What did you cook for Super Bowl viewing? Or Downton Abbey Viewing?

I'll start. I made aargersi's Sweet Potato and Lamb stew, using loin chops. It was a no fuss meal, the lamb forked off the bones - it was that tender - and I added a little blood orange and its zest to the sauce for a little punch. The best part is I have leftovers for this evening.

  • Posted by: Bevi
  • February 6, 2012


garlic&lemon February 7, 2012
I do not eat significant food during Downton Abbey because it comes on at 9p here and we eat dinner much earlier. But I do make sure I have poured myself a nice glass of port or sherry, set out a little plate of English "biscuits," and have tissues nearby in case there is a poignant moment. I also turn the ringers off and make sure the rest of the household knows not to have any emergencies until after the show.
Bevi February 8, 2012
That's not asking too much. My sister waited until her birthday to catch up with DA. She figured it was the one day she could do what she wanted without any interference!
marvista February 7, 2012
DA, and thanks for the iput fr this group... I made finger sandwiches, a LOT of them. and because i was cleaning up the garden and got lucky, big mugs of Cream of Sorell soup for everyone of the Abbeysinians.
a perfect guest brought wedge salads and a couple bottles of Proseco.

Bevi February 7, 2012
It sounds perfect, and that is a perfect guest who brings Proseco.
Devangi R. February 7, 2012
@cream tea and bevi- thanks for the wishes!
sjstewart February 7, 2012
Cranberry Scones and Cucumber Sandwiches and a huge pot of tea.
Bevi February 7, 2012
What kind of bread did you use for the sandwiches?
wssmom February 7, 2012
Even the Spouse was IN Indianapolis for the game, or maybe because he was, I made his version of chili as I watched Eli and the gang do it again. Go Giants!! But hey -- didn't anyone take time out to tune in on HBO's "Luck?"
Bevi February 7, 2012
I taped it and watched it after all the other brouhaha. I LOVE it. Of course, I have watched Seabiscuit 2 times already this week on the HBO rotation.
mrslarkin February 7, 2012
I made those, too! Baked mine in a hot oven instead of frying - just wasn't feeling it. They are awesome wings.
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 7, 2012
You know, I was thinking of skinning the drummettes only, "lollipopping them" and then baking, but wanted to try the recipe as is - comented back to the recipe originator earlier today. Can you tell me how you baked please? 350 F for 20-30 min after poaching and cooled to room temp?
mrslarkin February 7, 2012
I baked at 375 initially. Then realized I needed higher heat to crisp the wings, so cranked it to 500. Kept them in for about 20ish minutes until crispy. Prob won't flour them next time if I use oven method again. They were floury. but yummy!

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sexyLAMBCHOPx February 7, 2012
I made http://www.food52.com/recipes/15897_ultimate_makeathome_buffalo_wings Great technique and recipe for someone like me who has a frying aversion. Peeked at the Super Bowl, while secretly reading Catherine. I would love to watch DA, but missed season one. Need to find out how to watch the show from beginning until now.
Bevi February 7, 2012
You can order DVD via Amazon. My sister did that to catch up.
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 7, 2012
Great idea. I reserved a reservation for season one at my library but im 24 in que. Think I'll treat myself via Amazon. Thanks!
creamtea February 7, 2012
You can watch online at www.thirteen.org--everything, season 1, season 2 up to episode 5. Under " videos." Have a marathon.
pierino February 7, 2012
I did Tiki Tacos for the communards. They went over really well but I did't tell them what went into them until after they were finished off. Two types of SPAM. People were asking for the recipe before they learned that part. I spent most of the Bowl cooking, as I'm not much of a fan of American football.
Bevi February 7, 2012
Well, NCAA women's basketball is my viewing sport, and that does not seem to excite many people. SPAM sounds like a great SB food, especially the way you prepared them! I grew up with SPAM, and I vaguely remember it being mixed with pineapple, somehow.
pierino February 7, 2012
Yes, they did included pineapple. And this time I used hard taco shells to make service for a crowd easier.
dymnyno February 7, 2012
There are TWO types of Spam??
pierino February 7, 2012
Ma'am, there is a whole SPECTRUM of SPAM. I used a combination SPAM original along with Hot and Spicy (includes Tabasco). But then you can find Turkey SPAM and SPAM Lite. It's hard enough making the original taste good without getting into the wimpola variations.
garlic&lemon February 7, 2012
@dymnyno - When I travel to Latin America, the serious supermarkets have a whole aisle devoted to all the varieties of Spam! It is mind boggling. But I bring back cans for co-workers here on the Rez (I work on an Indian Reservation) and they think it is very funny. Spam is big wherever refrigeration is a problem.
Devangi R. February 7, 2012
We had raspberry vinaigrette salad, cheese fondue and then chocolate fondue.. Everything homemade! Was not at all interested in SB! But, supported hubby dear in cheering for Giants! Finally, after they won we cut cake at midnight as it was my bday!
creamtea February 7, 2012
happy birthday!
Bevi February 7, 2012
Happy Birthday!
Bevi February 6, 2012
That sounds delicious.
bigpan February 6, 2012
My neighbor owns the Blue Smoke food truck and made complimentary pulled pork sandwiches for us (on a brioche bun no less). Delivered hot and sassy 5 minutes before half time. Life is sweet!
MTMitchell February 6, 2012
We made the genius duck confit recipe (and it was for sure genius -- no fuss, absolutely delicious!) on homemade pasta and watched the Super Bowl. Loved a few of the ads...did not love the Patriots' play.
Bevi February 6, 2012
We were a split family on that count!
Bevi February 6, 2012
Now that's what I call a civilized Super Bowl!
lapadia February 6, 2012
Bevi, HA! Slice up the Kringles = hand food, lots of raw veggies and ranch dip, add a few glasses of Champagne, some shouting at the TV, and your “civilized” thought starts fading into history ~ET :)
lapadia February 6, 2012
Watched SB, didn't watch Madonna. Here in the Pac NW we are now bragging that our Seahawks beat the SB Champs during regular season! Well, anyway I made HLA's Danish Kringle - a savory version, filled with cubed up garden potato, carrot, rutabaga, Italian parsley, beef and pork...other seasonings. Lots of cut veggies and Champagne, of course :)
SKK February 6, 2012
Watched DA and made one of our favorites http://www.food52.com/recipes/13566_green_chili_chicken_posole_soup from dymnyno
Bevi February 6, 2012
dymnyno February 7, 2012
Thanks! I made my own Diamond Mountain Chili. Today it's raining and I will be making the green chili chicken posole soup...perfect for the day. thanks, again!
melissav February 6, 2012
We made the Momofuku Bo Ssam with homemade kimchi, pickled veggies (onions, radishes, carrots, cucumbers), ssam sauce, and ginger scallion sauce. Oh, and Bibb lettuce and sticky rice for wrapping. It was so good! I highly recommend the Bo Ssam recipe; it was my first time trying it and definitely not the last.
Bevi February 6, 2012
I keep forgetting to pick up my copy of that book from my daughter's stash. In the meantime, I sure am enjoying the book you gave me!
Tippy C. February 7, 2012
Very glad that this recipe is available through the New York Times for those of us who don't have the cookbook. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/magazine/recipe-momofuku-bo-ssam.html) This recipe looks so good!
mrslarkin February 6, 2012
Yum! Sounds delish. We watched football. Made pigs in blankets, buffalo wings, jalapeno poppers, sliders, guac, sugar cookies and ice cream.
Bevi February 6, 2012
That's perfect!
jmburns February 6, 2012
Got them both Downton on the DVR and Osso Buco at halftime
Bevi February 6, 2012
That's a really nice, satisfying meal.
creamtea February 6, 2012
Let us know which you watched--Superbowl or DA?
Bevi February 6, 2012
Both - when I switched to DA that ensured that I missed the most exciting part of the game. But I did see the half time show. Interesting.....the lip syncing was spot on, though!
pierino February 7, 2012
I have absolutely no idea what "Downton Abby" is. It has to be some girly TV show. Right?
Bevi February 7, 2012
@Pierino - total, complete unadulterated girlie show. Upstairs/Downstairs, clipped British accents, mansion with ferns, nasty people with good manners. The Best.
Avec February 6, 2012
I made Jetsei's Just Good Chili -- It was a big hit! I think the coffee and cocoa powder mixed with siracha is magical! http://www.food52.com/recipes/2379_just_good_chili
Bevi February 6, 2012
SB is a real chili kind of event. That recipe looks great!
creamtea February 6, 2012
Glad you mentioned it--just made my own bean chili for dinner tonight & added coffee & cocoa per the above. We watched SB--not my first choice, but I was outvoted & watched DA online today...I didn't cook yesterday. We took out pizza & bought chips. Boo on me.
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