I made mashed sweet potatoes that came out way too sweet. Any thoughts on cutting the sweetness (adding white potato?)?
The recipe called for brown sugar, orange juice, vanilla, and a bit of cream mixed with the sweet potato. I added it all and it is way too sweet.
NancyNovember 25, 2015
In addition or alternative to white potato - something from the onion family (including leeks or shallots), carrots, squash, some cooked rice or other grain.
amysarahNovember 25, 2015
Besides another sweet potato, you could also add some eggs and cream or milk - then bake it. It will have a more custardy, rich texture. While you're at it, throwing in a few tablespoons of rum would also cut the sweet a bit and add flavor. (This is actually very close to a savory sweet potato pudding I made for years.)
creamteaNovember 25, 2015
Add some melted butter and perhaps a bit of grated orange zest. I wouldn't add white potato.
Kristen M.November 25, 2015
Yes, white potato is a great idea! And salt, to taste. Do you want to take it very savory or just make it not too sweet? A little splash of cider vinegar might help to balance it too.
Kenzi W.November 25, 2015
Adding more potato (even more sweet potato is okay) is the best solution, but you could also try balancing with some creme fraiche or sour cream—the tang might help cut through all of that sweet!
Kristen M.November 25, 2015
Ooh, that creme fraiche or sour cream or yogurt tang is a great, great idea.
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