Does anyone know of a good website (or book) to find information for canning?

Specifically, I'd like to know if/when I can use recipes to can, and I'm trying to find information about fruit/sugar/acid ratios. I'm fairly new to canning, but hate to stick to just the Ball Blue Book recipes (or web site), so any information would be welcome.



FrozenFoodie September 16, 2010
Thanks much for the online info, including the University of Georgia link. They actually have online classes you can take about canning/preserving food at home. Just starting now, but looking forward to learning more. Thanks, everyone!
Kelsey B. September 12, 2010
I love Well Preserved, great reco!
FrozenFoodie September 10, 2010
Thanks to everyone! I can't wait to track down some of these books so I can get canning.
foodloveswine September 9, 2010
Check out I've taken canning classes with Kevin and he's so enthusiastic about preserving and sharing his knowledge. If you're in the Los Angeles area, he's a great resource. His website includes recipes and info on how to safely put up your produce.
local K. September 7, 2010
Try the hashtags #tigresscanjam or #canvolution on Twitter to find some great blogs with lots of canning recipes.

For specific info on canning basics & techniques, try
or me at .
AntoniaJames September 7, 2010
My two favorite resources for excellent (often somewhat unusual) canning recipes are both by Brits. The first, which happens also to be full of garden-related eye candy, is by Nora Carey, and is called "Perfect Preserves: Provisions from the Kitchen Garden" (1990, distributed in the U.S. by Workman Pub.). The other, "Sensational Preserves," by Hilaire Walden, was published by Conran Octopus in 1995 and then again in 2000. I don't know if either is still in print, but if not, you can probably find them at, which is my go-to site for used and out-of-print books. Both books are full of useful information about making preserves that one doesn’t see any more in books by US authors. (Some of their tips can be found in my 1943 edition of “The Joy of Cooking.”) Although these books do not provide any specific answers though to the ratio question you pose, they are excellent and even inspiring resources. ;o)
Amanda H. September 7, 2010
Well Preserved by Eugenia Bone is a great book.
TiggyBee September 7, 2010
Here you go -
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