Where can I buy toasted nuts?
I'm in Los Angeles
allansFebruary 20, 2012
Yes, I agree with the others. Do it yourself, but watch them! They can go from tan to burnt in a matter of seconds.
pierinoFebruary 20, 2012
Add me to the chorus. That's exactly how you do it. The pine nuts will be toasted in minutes.
drbabsFebruary 20, 2012
Trader Joes usually has them, but if not, it's easy enough to make your own. Just place them in a dry skillet and heat over medium heat, stirring frequently, till they're fragrant and the color you want them.
amysarahFebruary 20, 2012
Or do it the same way in the oven, shaking pan every couple of minutes. As drbabs said, they're done when fragrant and brown as you'd like. I've never bought nuts pre-toasted - which I'd imagine cost more - but I have to imagine they have a more freshly toasted flavor when you do it yourself anyway.
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