I just discovered the reserved liquid from canned tomatoes. It is 11 days old. Still ok?



chef O. July 18, 2012
5 day old tomato liquid is definitely yucky!
saucy. V. March 1, 2012
Sadly, I've recently read a lot about how canned tomatoes contain absurdly high levels of BPA :( luckily, the fave Italian brand and TJ's brand come in tetrapaks. Better yet, I grow a ton of tomatoes in the summer and just literally throw them in a ziploc and put them in the freezer, no need for blanching or canning! Then when its time to use them (obviously only as you would use canned or boxed, as they are mushy) just throw them in whatever you are cooking or let thaw first, either way. And the flavor is a zillion times better than canned. :) JvT | www.saucyvermont.com
gotligirl February 29, 2012
Yes I usually do that. This was "hiding" and I forgot. :( Thanks!
susan G. February 29, 2012
Next time put it (in a fresh container) in the freezer. It's good to throw into a soup.
gotligirl February 29, 2012
Panfusine February 29, 2012
Mmmm.. NO! even if its refrigerated.. It wd have lost any flavor it had by this time even if it hasn't gone 'bad'
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