Indian Coffee Creamer

A co-worker just got back from a trip to India. She described being served coffee with a wonderfully-flavored cream, the ingredients of which she couldn't identify.
Would anyone know of a secret spice mixture that they put into Indian coffee creamer, or was she simply getting Coffee Mate in an exotic context?



Crafty D. March 11, 2012
I didn't say they use condensed milk but the closest equivalent to using their whole milk & sugar would be this. I t is a way that is widely used by Indian families in the UK.
ubs2007 March 10, 2012
Creamers and sweeten condensed milk are not used in Indian households for tea or coffee. Every region and home in India uses their own magical spice in coffee -- though I believe the south Indian version would win best-in-class. I'm northern Indian and have learned over the years from s. indians how they make their coffee. I think this is what you are looking for (apologies for zero measurements): 6 green pods of cardamom, powdered cinnamon, 1 or 2 cloves depending on how spicy you want it. Mash it all up in a mortor and pestol. Add one cup of cold water and spice mixture in saucepan. Boil and reduce water to 1/3. REduce heat and add 1 tsp of instant coffee. Then add whole milk and bring to a boil 3X.. Bring to boil once. Turn off heat, wait a min then re-boil. Strain, add sugar and enjoy!

If anyone here works for Starbucks, please ask them to stop saying "chai tea latte". That's like saying "tea, tea, coffee with milk":):)
ubs2007 March 10, 2012
meant to say approx measurements - not zero measurements. Hope this all helps.
Crafty D. March 10, 2012
The closest you would probably get is by using sweetened condensed milk, this is also used in the Indian 'chai', a sweet milky tea.
Ife March 10, 2012
Try grating fresh nutmeg and cinnamon? That seems like it would be a yummy mix!
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