frozen spinach

I've never used frozen spinach before, but I have a package of it in the freezer, and I'm thinking of using it for a spinach and ricotta frittata tonight. Is there anything I need to know about how it might react differently than the fresh spinach I'm used to?



allans March 14, 2012
I've used it regularly in lasagna. Just get the water out, like everyone else says.
ChefJune March 14, 2012
I also have been keeping frozen spinach on hand for those days we run out of green veggies. It works for lots of dishes.
Anitalectric March 14, 2012
On a somewhat unrelated note, I have to say that frozen spinach has found a way back into my life. In college (went to school where there was not a lot of fresh produce available) it was a staple in the house I lived in with 10 other girls. One of them studied abroad and a simple dish she would make often after her return was sauteed onions, frozen spinach and a dollop of mustard.

Nowadays, it is so nice to have around because fresh greens are the first thing to be used up in my house, since they go bad the fastest. So, the frozen spinach serves as backup for when we do run out of fresh greens--as a vegan I always have to have something green on my plate I am not satisfied.

My day was spent doing deliveries so there was no time for food shopping, so tonight I made a quick dinner of pasta with bechamel, hearts of palm, frozen spinach and garlic. It was so good!

I think frozen spinach would work really well in a quiche. Enjoy!
Ife March 13, 2012
Thaw, drain as much water as you can, and chop it, as it usually comes in huge pieces.
Sam1148 March 13, 2012
If you have a potato ricer, use that to squeeze the water out of the defrosted spinach.
ChefJune March 14, 2012
Wow. that's a great idea, Sam! I've always used a cotton tea towel, but I'll bet the ricer gets more water out, faster.

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hardlikearmour March 13, 2012
Just thaw it and squeeze the dickens out of it, or it will be watery.
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