What is the best way to cook scallops?
BeviJuly 1, 2011
And to CRS and Summer of Eggplant's combined recipe, I would add just a spritz of lemon juice at the very end.
Meatballs&MilkshakesJune 29, 2011
I do a basic recipe just like Summer of Eggplant, although I cook for only a minute on the second side. I throw some sage leaves in after I flip because I love browned butter and sage.
Summer O.June 29, 2011
Pan seared, sprinkle with salt and pepper, heat skillet with butter for about 2 minutes until just golden brown, sear 3 minutes per side.
skittleJune 28, 2011
Make sure they are very dry before you apply them to heat as well!
ChefJuneJune 28, 2011
Scallops are my single most favorite food in the world, so I have scads of (what I think are) great recipes for them. They all have two things in common: they are cooked quickly over high heat, and none of them include tomatoes. (I think the flavor of tomatoes overtakes the delicate flavor of the scallops.)
12tomjerry12November 17, 2010
very quickly over a smoking hot frying pan. I like to have black pudding with scallops and a warm salad dressing. deglaze with red wine vinegar, mustard (this spits a bit!), olive oil,poured over salad leaves and a poached egg to top it all.
Kristy M.November 16, 2010
Here is the winning recipe of the food52 scallop contest:
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