Curry leaves -- is there any workaround if you don't have them? It's for M. Bhide's fish + tomato + coconut curry. Thanks, everyone. ;o)

P.S. I searched other questions and could not find an answer to this. I did learn however that they freeze well, so I plan to stock up the next time I shop at an Indian grocery that has them in. ;o)



AntoniaJames April 20, 2012
Thanks so much, Panfusine! The recipe turned out okay, but I needed to add a touch of lime and some cilantro to perk up the flavor. I'll definitely try to get my hands on some curry leaves before making it again. ;o)
Panfusine April 19, 2012
nothing replicates the aroma of curry leaves, so you're better off omitting them if you can't find them. Yes they do freeze & dehydrate beautifully, so if you get some from the Indian grocery, shade dry them for long term storage
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