39 weeks and pregnant and looking for ideas for things to freeze...

I am in the final stretch and would love ideas for things I can cook next week to freeze so that I can easily heat up after I have the baby end of April. I live in a part of Brooklyn that doesn't offer too many options for ordering in. HELP!! Thank you!



Sam1148 January 17, 2015
I'm a big fan if vacuum sealers for freezing things. Because defrosting is so easy. Just boil them in the bag. If you have people that want different things. Or if you want something milder while they have someone that you don't want to eat. You came portion things out.
You can blanch veggies and freeze in the bags with herbed butter.
Boil up fish and do the same. Cooked rice will freeze well and defrost nicely. Salisbury Steak works great---just freeze it before you seal because of the sauce. Stir fries freeze well in the same manner.
But my favorite Vac Pack trick is when you cook steak, cook up some charred and very rare. Then freeze them in the bag with the juices, some butter, and a spring of fresh herb. After it's frozen seal it. Then when you want steak...defrost it under running water---then you can put in boiling water 4 or 5mins to let it reach medium rare.
It's kind of like a reverse Sous Vide. And if you do it on a grill you have that great char-grilled flavor without having to mess with a fire.
nancy E. January 16, 2015
Oh, hahaha, how's that working for you. Acid reflux gone?
nancy E. January 15, 2015
I love freezing soups in quart containers. Borscht, chicken noodle, vegetable minestrone, yum. Heat some crusty bread or toss a salad and you have a lovely, nourishing meal in seconds. Congrats on the baby!
nutcakes January 16, 2015
The 'baby' is two years old now!
cowgirlculture April 30, 2012
If you are nursing You might want to have some safer options frozen that don't include garlic, onions, broccoli, etc. these can cause the baby to have colic and or sleepless nights. I realize that many people are fine eating whatever but some people aren't. I ate spicey and whatever I wanted while pregnant but after the baby was born for about a month or two be careful of onions and garlic. Just my experience. Best of luck!
Esther P. April 22, 2012
After having suggested chilli and such like, I should say I was drinking 4 pints of milk a day in the last few months of pregnancy.... It does get better pretty much over night when baby arrives (unless of course you had issues before....)
laurenmcdonald April 21, 2012
Thank you so much merrill! and thank you SKK. I hope so!
SKK April 22, 2012
Hi Lauren, Don't forget to ask for help. You are bringing a life into the world and you and yours deserve it.
SKK April 21, 2012
A question like this was asked about three months ago and got some great answers that may work for you. It also touched a very real concern as more than 1600 people view it!
laurenmcdonald April 21, 2012
thank you so much! i have horrible acid reflux so red sauces are out for me as are onions and peppers. It's really tough. Thank you again!
Merrill S. April 21, 2012
I had terrible heartburn while I was pregnant, but it eased up significantly after I gave birth -- hopefully you'll have the same experience and be able to eat red sauce again!
ktr January 14, 2015
My heartburn was gone literally the day after I gave birth. And I was to the point where every single food or drink I consumed gave me heartburn.
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 21, 2012
Congrats. Here's a great thread/feature from food52: http://www.food52.com/blog/2836_freezing_your_way_to_more_home_cooked_meals
laurenmcdonald April 21, 2012
Thanks all I appreciate it.
LucyS April 21, 2012
I just commented on the other part of your question but had some more ideas. I get meatballs in sauce from an Italian deli near my parents house and freeze them all the time - then all you have to do is make some pasta. Also if you have a grill, you could put grill-able meats like chicken or steak in freezer bags with a marinade - toss them in the fridge in the morning and they'll be all nice and marinated by the evening when you can just throw them on the grill.

I don't have kids so I can't speak to the advice about food from Esther Plume, and I'm sure you know much more than I do! But I remember my mom saying something about broccoli or cauliflower being bad - apparently I was a problematic baby.
Esther P. April 21, 2012
I did this before giving birth to my now 15 month old... While cooking I completely forgot about the no spicy food/no onions/leeks advice, and made chilli, beef casserole with lots of veggies and barley in it, and chicken and leek casserole. I put them either in freezer bags for decanting into microwave vessels, or foil containers that could go straight in the oven. My intention was to make food that could be eaten with just a fork... Or spoon, and that didn't require much to go with, just rice or a jacket potato or similar. I put loads of veggies into everything, so that there was less need to have veggies on the side if we couldn't be bothered!
puttakka April 21, 2012
Here is a recipe for fish cakes that I find....apparently they freeze well. Good luck! I also stocked my fridge with yogurt so I could have something to eat in a jiffy.
puttakka April 21, 2012
Hi there. When I gave birth, my mom made fish cutlets out of cooked tuna and salmon with herbs and spices potatoes, fried them with eggs and flour, and froze them. They were perfect because all I had to do to eat them was throw them on a hot pan with a little oil and I would have delicious high-protein food at a moment's notice. Now she makes little mini ones for my baby to eat and she has started to make them with ground turkey too. They are awesome. Then I would just buy frozen veg and I had a meal.
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