How fast does fresh produce degrade when handled properly?
I just read that if fresh produce sits on the shelf for two to three days it has no nutritional value. Not sure what to make of that. After going to the farmers market, getting a weeks supply of vegetables and fruit, will my produce at the end of the week have nutritional value anymore?
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Its difficult to gauge the exact rate of nutrient loss any fresh produce goes through.with time. I think that the produce that looks the freshest, and has been cooked the least will provide the most nutrient value.
Well, hmmm… You expressed a concern and 5 people immediately responded trying to help with polite, well considered responses. The fact all 5 of us have said, in different words and from different perspectives, that you're asking a question that has no definitive answer should tell you something. I'm sorry you found the experience unpleasant.
well, what is that supposed to mean./... what does it is supposed to tell me ... that i asked a dumb qquestion... ?
I definitely am feely attacked by you. Please leave me alone. You seem condescending and I do not like it at all. and one person thought they needed to tell me to thank my farmers. YEs, This is not fun at all.
Ha! Thank you for all that -- best laugh I've had all day!
The problem with assigning numbers like that is you'd have to track each nutrient value for each food. It's far easier to simply say "fresher = better".
Voted the Best Reply!
Petitbleu pretty much took the words I was preparing right off my keyboard but here they are anyway:
The Internet is full of kooks who believe all sorts of crazy things and it's only going to get worse. After reading about this so-called doctor, I happened across a blog claiming you shouldn't wash organic fruit because it washes off the vitamins. Not only is the writer clueless about biology and incapable of logical reasoning (what effect would rain have if that were true?), she's ignorant about where botulism spores hang out and how air currents and flies are capable of transmitting all sorts of nastiness no matter how desperately you want to believe it ain't so.
All produce loses some nutritional value after harvest due to oxidization, enzymatic action and other factors. Different fruits and vegetables lose different nutrients at different rates so it's difficult to answer this question with specifics.
I think it's best to approach the subject from a management perspective, in other words, how can you best preserve the nutritional value of what you purchase rather than worrying about how much might be lost between field and table. If you start down that path, you'd have to also concern yourself with how cooking degrades nutritional value. It does of course, but few people could be talked into eating all their food raw. Any loss is more than made up with improvements in flavor and texture or else we wouldn't do it. Everything in life is a tradeoff.
If it tastes good, eat it.
This is such a great question. It illuminates so much. Questions around the whole supply management issue, big agriculture - so much to learn.
Once again, thank you for the question.
If you buy organic, if you buy in season, you have the best.
Purchasing at your farmers market implies you are getting the best. I say thank the growers you are purchasing from.
This is going to sound flippant but, seriously, those guys are dead, I wouldn’t take any advice from that "doctor".
This is a little out of date as it was written before Yauch eventually succumbed to cancer but it might help balance whatever you read:
Anyway, his statement still had me considering how long does different produce last with nutrition. Or another way to ask this is ... What is the rate of degradation in proportion to nutrition. I do know to keep things in their own groups and separated etc.
I don't know where you picked up that "information" but it certainly wasn't from a nutritionist or a food scientist. Relax, it's all good.