What to do with head-on bay shrimp. Can I fry & eat them whole?

russell p


meganvt01 May 25, 2012
I just saw this tasty recipe on Serious Eats - would be great! http://www.seriouseats.com/2012/05/latin-american-cuisine-brazilian-style-peel-and-eat-shrimp-with-garlic-camarao-a-alho.html
HalfPint May 25, 2012
Bay shrimp tend to be really small with very soft shell. I'm pretty sure you can toss them in a little cornstarch seasoned with salt and pepper. Then deep-fry them and eat whole.
cookbookchick May 24, 2012
Rinse them in cool water, put them in a pot with no additional water, put the lid on, medium heat to steam them until they turn pink all over, then throw them on a newspaper-covered table, peel them and eat them. A little melted butter or another sauce of your choosing can't hurt to have on the table for dipping!
pierino May 24, 2012
Best to fry them whole and then shell them. Be sure to squeeze those delicious juices out of the head.
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