Can I prefold shrimp wontons?
I'm having a dinner party and one possible appetizer is a shrimp rolled in a wonton skin with bell pepper and cilantro. you wind up frying them. Can I make these ahead of time or will they dry out?
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I was thinking of a sheet pan covered with a slightly dampened paper towel. Would that make them soggy?
1) If filling is damper than skins, they will get soggy and I would say best not folded too far ahead of time since breakage becomes an issue;
2) If filling is not a concern in that respect, then I would fold them, lay flat on a sheet tray covered with parchment paper, and cover well with plastic wrap so no air gets in-- air exposure will dry them out, not filling them with a normal filling.
How far in advance were you planning to fold them? If only an hour or two and the filling isn't too wet, I think it sounds fine... day in advance would be a different story. Are they supposed to be at room temp when you fry? If they can be straight out of the fridge, I would make sure to do that if you're folding in advance.