Looking for low effort foods for someone who loves to eat

I skidded on a muddy trail while hiking on Saturday and fell hard on my knee. Today, I found out that the knee cap is broken. I'm hobbling on crutches and cooking is a major effort. Luckily I have several days of food on hand, but I'm looking for ideas for simple, healthy meals. I eat meat, dairy, eggs, lots of vegetables and fruits, so I am not limited in the foods, just in the preparation. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

  • Posted by: Maedl
  • May 29, 2012


Maedl May 31, 2012
Thanks for your suggestions. It is hard to adjust cooking and eating habits that have suited somwell for so long!
Sam1148 May 29, 2012
Bagged mixed salad is a good start.
Tuna salad, chicken salad. Hummus, pita bread.
Olives and feta cheese for snacks.
An avocado cut in half...and fill the empty seed hole with vinegar, salt, and olive oil and go at it with a spoon.
Sardines!! Very high in protein and often overlooked because of stinky fish smell. On crackers with horseradish and ketchup and lemon juice.

Those are all good for muscle repair.
Veggies like broccoli just washed and put in a covered bowl and microwaved for 1 min with a touch of butter and salt and served with wassabi mayo dressing is good too.

And don't over look some of the prepared (although a bit pricey) veggie snacks at the supermarket like carrot sticks, celery sticks, fruits like watermelon and berries in the little pre-packaged bowls.
No effort there but good to have on hand and healthy, along with deli containers of potato salad and slaw. Not world class stuff..but easy and tasty and little to no effort for cooking and prep.
CHeeb May 29, 2012
Baked potatoes ,en masse, cold give you several meals of options. You could slice and saute them one meal; cube them into salads; add them to omelets to create a fritatta ; add them to cooked meats to make your own hash...etc...best wishes on a speedy recovery...ch
MTMitchell May 29, 2012
I second the slow cooker idea -- I tend to put things in it that I can use for a few different meals (i.e., pork shoulder cut into large chunks with an onion and a little oregano, low for 8-10 hours until it completely falls apart -- first night it's tacos, second night I mix it with BBQ sauce and put it on rolls, third night I mix some with marinara and serve it on pasta and it's usually gone by then). You could also roast a chicken (or buy a rotisserie chicken), and use the meat for a few days in salads, sandwiches, tacos, etc. If you have a grill, that might be another option, too, especially if you can just pull a chair up to it while the stuff is working (might get hot though). Hope you feel better soon.
susan G. May 29, 2012
I would make pots of rice, quinoa, etc, They can be heated (steamed or stir fried) with frozen vegetables, meat from a deli, eggs. Eggs: hard boil a dozen -- good in salads with the grain and dressing on hand.
As AntoniaJames was advised recently -- eat out, order in, send someone to a store with a salad bar... Now's the time to cheat!
If your refrigerator is anything like mine, it's filled with condiments, sauces -- think of them as jump starts to enhance the simplest foods.
If friends ask what they can to to help -- bring food, shop, prep veggies and fruits.
And yogurt -- I'm happy with a meal of yogurt, granola, fruits and nuts.
Hope you heal well!
HalfPint May 29, 2012
I would look at discussion forums for the disabled and look for advice how how they deal with cooking and what makes it easiers. Here's what I quickly found just by searching "how the disabled cook": http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f17/cooking-shortcuts-for-the-disabled-cook-20039.html

In terms of recipes, I would stick to braises, stews, anything that you can cook in the oven or a slowcooker (to which I would recommend Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker cookbook).
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