Need recipe for garlic ramps (never used) with morels and eggs.

Linda Schneider
  • 1 Comment

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savorthis June 3, 2012
Are they ramps (have a white bulb like a scallion) or garlic scapes (more like a long, green stem with a purplish bulb tip)? I think either would be good with an egg noodle recipe I posted here: To use the ramps, I would peel the outer layer of the bulb and thinly slice the whites and greens in place of the garlic chives I used. Sautee the morels and use them in place of shiitakes adding some asparagus. Scapes I have used almost like green beans- just sauteeing them or grilling them. Be sure to trim the very ends that can be tough. If you do have scapes, I would cut them into pieces, sautee them for a little bit then add the morels (decadent!) and serve them with the egg noodles and some chicken or fish.
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