How do you make Kale chips?
Sophia Z.March 25, 2013
Hi everyone! Here is a direct link to my nutritious blog on how to make delicious, simple kale chips!
SKKJune 9, 2012
Use Dinosaur Kale, also called Tuscan or Black Kale. the recipe that is most successful - and I have tried a lot of them - is
IloveveggiesJune 9, 2012
You can toss the rib-less kale pieces in any sauce you want, but I am obsessed with a vegan "cheese" sauce. Here is one recipe that's good. Though that recipe says to dehydrate them, I do them in the oven at 200 degrees. Yes, they will cook faster at 350, but you are much less likely to burn them at 200 (and you save more nutrients!). This method will take maybe up to 2 hours, but check them every fifteen minutes or so. The pieces will crisp at different times, depending on the size of the kale and the amount of sauce you put on it. Feel free to experiment with different flavors! I really like barbeque and surprisingly chocolate too :)
cookingProfJune 9, 2012
Cut out the ribs using kitchen shears. Cut the leaves into 1 inch pieces and toss them in a bowl with some olive oil. Place the leaves in a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until crisp.
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