Why does organic food taste so good?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


mainecook61 July 3, 2012
If you exclude fruits and vegetables bred specifically for shipping, like tasteless tomatoes and wooden strawberries, I think there is little difference in taste between organic and nonorganic. The big difference is in freshness and ripeness, which usually means the best produce has traveled the least. I've had an organic garden for almost forty years, and I can say with assurance that a just-dug new potato bears not the slightest resemblance, taste-wise, to the ones in the sack at the supermarket. Another factor is that organic growers often grow varieties that are not as standard as supermarket produce. Tomatoes are a good example; you won't find delicious Prudens Purples, Juliets, Jetstars, German Stripeds, Garden Peaches, Zebras, etc. etc at your Walmart superstore. There is a whole world out there, even a world beyond the Brandywine. Everyone knows of Yukon Gold potatoes, but what of German Butterballs, Satinas, Keukas, Adirondack Reds, etc. etc. A carrot is a carrot, unless you're deciding which is better, a Nelson, a Bolero, a Hercules, a Nectar.
ChrisBird July 2, 2012
On the subject of definition, I have seen "organic salt" which is a contradiction in terms! Salt is an inorganic compound.
My favorite observation, "if a food has to advertise that is healthy, it probably isn't" I am not sure to whom to attribute that, but I really like it.
Sam1148 July 3, 2012
I think that was Micheal Pollan in "In Defense of Food".

He did make great points there in that book about "Nutristionist" ...but then again Woody Allen did it better in "Sleeper" when he woke up and wanted Tofu and Tiger Milk...and the doctors gave him a steak and a smoke. "every thing you thought was bad for you, is good for you".
Which is kinda true: Whipped margarine was 'good' butter was 'bad".
Sam1148 July 2, 2012
Define "Organic" even the FDA can't.
SKK July 2, 2012
Sustainable food, not hybrids made for the purpose of long haul with chemicals to ripen it and turn it just the right color for the stores taste so much better. Any meat that does not come from big ag but from a rancher who is using sustainable practices tastes superior.

Here is a study from Washington State University: (I live in Washington State)
" The more intense flavors in organic fruits and vegetables probably stem from two factors: somewhat higher average levels of antioxidants, and somewhat lower average crop yields. Yield levels, and the availability of nitrogen to crops, clearly can alter both nutritional and organoleptic quality...high yields achieved today in some fruit and vegetable crops have likely come at the expense of crop nutritional and organoleptic quality." http://www.organic-center.org/reportfiles/Taste2Pager.pdf

The study goes on to point out that organic foods last longer and are packed with nutrients.

Also sustainable and/or organic growing and farming makes excellent dirt. And great tasting food comes from great dirt, that is proven. It is all about the dirt.

Ophelia July 2, 2012
I mostly agree with Benny. Organic food for the most part tastes exactly like it's conventional sister. Even for the exceptions (strawberries, raspberries, probably some other delicate veggies), the ones that come out of my garden taste better because I can pick them when they are ripe rather than when they will ship best.

The reason organic tastes so good is because things that cost more rate higher in our minds. People like the same wine more if they're told it costs $100 a bottle than if they're told it's $9 a bottle, even if the wines are being tasted against themselves.

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Benny July 2, 2012
In MY opinion, organic food tastes the same as non-organic (assuming all other factors are the same).
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