Quick, Just got off the boat, we caught lots of yellow fin tuna.

Not into raw, how to cook it?

  • Posted by: Dona
  • July 2, 2012


Dona July 4, 2012
We grilled it per pierino's suggestion. Just the best. We gave most of to the charter crew, cooked some and froze some. Can't take it home though, but it was fabulous. My son lives here in Costa Rica so it won't be wasted. Thanks,
pierino July 4, 2012
Glad it worked.
Merrill,Ferguson July 4, 2012
If it isn't too late a tuna confit and then packing and sealing your tuna into jars with the confit oil makes for easy to save and delicious to eat tubs.
Sam1148 July 2, 2012
If this is a common thing for you...I'd recommend a food saver and vac pack the extras and freeze. get some dry ice and put the packs in the bottom of a cooler and a layer of news print with the dry ice on top of that--dry ice shouldn't touch directly touch food; it will 'burn' it.
A Publix supermarket will have dry ice..or the boat people would know a local source.

When you say 'a lot' I think more than you can eat and use and need storage solutions.
Dona July 2, 2012
Thanks pierino, will do both! What a fun day, deep sea fishing off Costa Rica.
inpatskitchen July 2, 2012
Totally agree with pierino and you are sooo lucky!! I am very jealous!
pierino July 2, 2012
If they are already filleted you can brush with oil and lemon juice and grill quickly over a wood charcoal fire. Thyme or rosemary will go with yellowtail. Or if you want to heat the oven cut them into portion sized sections and cook in a 375F oven "en papillote". That is, individual portions in parchment (or foil) packets. You might want to add some asian style ingredients; sesame oil, soy sauce and so on. Brush the bottom of the packet with peanut oil before sealing up. Cooking time will depend on the thickness of the fillets.Maybe fifteen minutes.
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