Chocoholic seeks unusual recipes.

Do you know any unusual recipes with chocolate or cocoa powder to help a confessed chocoholic with her craving?



nutcakes July 14, 2012
I make a chocolate custard tart with chocolate crust that is pretty satisfying to chocolate lovers and if it is chilled, then the filling is more like a truffel than a custard. Easy to make as well.

I think Dorrie Greenspan has a cookie that is supposed to be the bomb, but I haven't tried it yet. IT is a chocolate salbe also called World Peace cookie, you should be able to find via google.
nutcakes July 14, 2012
Here are the Sables
hardlikearmour July 14, 2012
Here's a bit of a twist on pan au chocolate. It's sweet/savory:
petitbleu July 13, 2012
Cincinnati Chili contains cocoa powder, as well as some unusual spices for chili (cinnamon, clove, etc.). It's really quite nice, but I wouldn't call it a dish for a chocaholic.
These Spiced Cocoa Nib Chocolate Cakes are simply amazing, though:
drbabs July 13, 2012
Jestei's chili has chocolate as a background note:
boulangere and I were on the same page with this one:

And this is really easy and satisfies that spicy chocolate craving:

Burnt O. July 14, 2012
I can vouch for the spicy pots de creme. I reviewed them for the contest and shared them with the neighbors - everyone loved them.
boulangere July 13, 2012
Here are a couple of recipes given a touch of an unusual spin:

Have fun in the dark of the night!
mensaque July 13, 2012
You know...Savory recipes,or some family recipe no one has ever heard of,or some midnight creation...
drbabs July 13, 2012
What do you mean by unusual?
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