i like to weigh ingredients but food52 list recipes in cups. what convert site would you recommend as the most reliable one? thank you.
LinnAugust 11, 2012
Harold McGee has a useful conversion table in Keys to Good Cooking. He covers the basics like sugars, flours, rice, salt, butter, cream and such. Or buy a scale and developed your own recipes; that is what I did. Or use original sources from almost any European country or probably South America. That is called putting your liberal arts education in French or Italian or Spanish to good use.
mrslarkinAugust 9, 2012
I use this one all the time: http://www.metric-conversions...
pickledpossumAugust 8, 2012
has a great cup to gram conversion table of pretty much everything you can think of. They update it often and very reliable. I have it printed and placed in my recipe's folder.
The exact link to it is:
has a great cup to gram conversion table of pretty much everything you can think of. They update it often and very reliable. I have it printed and placed in my recipe's folder.
The exact link to it is:
Diana B.August 8, 2012
Cody,BuchholzAugust 8, 2012
Most conversion sites are fairly accurate. What are you wanting to convert cups into?
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