Love the new layout, Team FOOD52! ;o)

Overall it's simply beautiful, and so helpful. I would reduce the size of each block on the left margin on the recipes page, however, perhaps switching to dark grey on white for the name of each recipe, with a light border in dark grey on the bottom of each caption box, and a bit more white between them. That particular design configuration, given the prevalence of dark neutral backgrounds in your food shots, seems quite heavy and out of balance with the light and elegant touch you've achieved on most pages. Just a suggestion . . . . Otherwise, I love it!! ;o)



savorthis August 17, 2012
I realize now that I miss the quick link to see the other recipes of a chef when you are on the recipe page- the chef name kind of disappears at the top.
AntoniaJames August 16, 2012
P.S. I much prefer, on the recipe page, the prior style of listing the contests for which a recipe was entered below, and not above, the photo. In some instances, the photo is cut off at the bottom. Putting the contest information above is distracting and a bit too busy. Your photos are so beautiful and so inviting. Keep them the focal point of the recipe page! Just something for you all to consider . . . . . ;o)
savorthis August 16, 2012
I love how much easier it is to find past community picks and article topics. Definitely a big step in the right direction.
Amanda H. August 16, 2012
P.S. Did you see the main Recipes landing page (where the main search is)? We definitely had your feedback in mind for that page -- showing more recent recipes below the fold.
Amanda H. August 16, 2012
Thanks AJ -- really glad you like it! And thanks for the overlay suggestion. We'll try it out on our end and see what the team thinks. There's more to come -- one of the things we need to fix is the photo box on recipe pages. Needs a pretty big overhaul so that may take us a bit.
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