What can I make with wheat berry and farro

a Whole Foods Market Customer


susanm August 22, 2012
i like to make a wheatberry and cous cous side dish/salad type of thing.
there really is no recipe but usually the components are:
half cous cous, half wheatberries
some toasted nut - pine nuts or slivered almonds usually
cherry tomatoes - sliced in half, marinated in olive oil and s+p while things cook
a grilled vegetable - asparagus, zuchinni, eggplant... grilled and sliced
fresh herbs - whatever you like best
grated or crumbled parmesan
assemble everything, drizzle with good olive oil, season with s+p, then fold all together.
what i love is that it's best at room temp...perfect to make ahead, a great dish to bring to a bbq and the leftovers travel to the office very well.
savorthis August 21, 2012
My go to summer recipe has been cooked farro tossed with an herb puree (any combo: basil, tarragon, parsley, mint, chives blended with a little olive oil), caramelized onions, toasted nuts (pistachios are best, but almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts work too), green items (arugula, kale, broccoli) and some slivers of parmesan. Eat as is or top with a fried or poached egg or just about any other grilled protein.
susan G. August 21, 2012
Marinated grain salads, risotto/pilaf type dishes, added to soups.... you can adapt from other grain recipes.
drbabs August 21, 2012


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