The Best Blender to Invest In?

Do any of you have a recommendation for a blender that you absolutely love?

I am a serious cook of sorts, also into healthy cooking, so I make my own (enter anything here) when I can.
That being said, I am also often making smoothies, green juices (with my juicer at the moment), pureeing soups on a weekly basis...
I am torn between investing in a VitaMix (because of my deep interest in super pureed fruit/veggie drinks and the ease of soup pureeing, and the ability to grind things into flours or nut butters.... ) and getting a really nice blender — whatever is the next best thing to a VitaMix.

I currently have a rather annoying Oster Beehive blender that was gifted to me and, while beautiful, makes a rocket-like sound when turned on for the simplest tasks, doesn't hold all that much liquid, and doesn't really break things down as well as I'd like.

Any recommendations? I'm not afraid to spend a healthy amount, assuming this won't costs me as much as a VitaMix.


  • Posted by: Cookie16
  • September 16, 2012


ChrisBird September 17, 2012
High quality parts, expensive control components. No doubt they are excellent devices. I have used a vitamix and our the blendtec. Both very good. Blendtec less expensive and for my home purposes a great choice. The other user wants simple, push button. The blendtech is very amateur friendly. I prefer the fine control of the vitamix, but have to be cognizant of other users.
ChrisBird September 17, 2012
High quality parts, expensive control components. No doubt they are excellent devices. I have used a vitamix and our the blendtec. Both very good. Blendtec less expensive and for my home purposes a great choice. The other user wants simple, push button. The blendtech is very amateur friendly. I prefer the fine control of the vitamix, but have to be cognizant of other users.
ChrisBird September 17, 2012
High quality parts, expensive control components. No doubt they are excellent devices. I have used a vitamix and our the blendtec. Both very good. Blendtec less expensive and for my home purposes a great choice. The other user wants simple, push button. The blendtech is very amateur friendly. I prefer the fine control of the vitamix, but have to be cognizant of other users.
Greenstuff September 17, 2012
Could someone please explain what it is that makes the Vitamix so expensive and even more, what makes it worth it? I've periodically explored their website but don't quite get something that I'm almost sure is out there.
Sam1148 September 17, 2012
That's a hard question Greenstuff. I guess it's because of it reputation and US made.
I inherited mine...and it's powerful. The motor is very strong, enough so the lights dim when it's turned on...and enough to cause molecular friction if you dump in things like onions, potatoes, stock, creme...that it heats it up simply by the force molecules bumping into each it 'cooks' by that method if you leave it running a couple of mins.

It's also powerful enough that putting in ice and creme, the quick breakdown freezes things into 'soft serve ice cream'. Yes, that's odd..but the physics is sound.

And for a'll pulverize almost any veggie fiber juice and all into liquid. You need to add a bit of starter liquid first though.

Just don't use to grate Parmesan cheese rinds (as I've mentioned before)...the old VHS tape that came with mine showed them turning blocks of wood into saw dust..apparently Parmesan Reggiano cheese rinds are harder than wood--I broke a blade on mine.

Still I think it's a bit overpriced and replacements parts are crazy expensive.

HAHAH...I need to find that old VHS tape.....they showed original the pitchman/owner from the 60's doing his speil and was very sexist, "Look at this apple..A WOMEN will peal it and through away all the skin Just drop it in here to get all the vitamins that God intended you get". I guess that was because of the price and the guy would make the choice to purchase the item.
louisez September 17, 2012
I second the vote for the Cuisinart Smart Stick. I use it for soups, tomato sauce and other sauces, as well as jams. It's so effective, so quick and easy to use -- and so easy to clean. I don't know what I'd do without it.
rldougherty September 17, 2012
I might be the odd one out here, but I love my Cuisinart Smart Stick immersion blender. I use it more than I ever could have imagined. I originally got it because I was tired of transferring hot soups to my food processor. However, it makes a great smoothie and I can blend the smoothie in the cup I drink it in, so it makes clean-up so easy. I also use the mini food processor attachment to chop veggies and herbs quickly. I use it daily. It is a great tool for the kitchen.
SKK September 17, 2012
Vitamix all the way
imadok September 16, 2012
Another vote for the Blendtec. It fits under standard kitchen cupboards, has a phenomenal warranty, and we use it 10 times a day easily. It is much easier to clean than a Vitamix, and usually doesn't need the dig-stirring that the Vitamix has as an integral part of the machine. The Blentec is currently $300 (with rebates) through Costco. I know a lot of people with either the Blentec or the Vitamix, and generally they are very happy with them, regardless of which they pick. Although my sister had the Vitamix and Blendtec at the same time, and preferred the Blendec and returned the Vitamix. An awesome blender is key to my kitchen happiness. Congrats on making your way toward kitchen nirvana!
Cookie16 September 16, 2012
Thank you!
pierino September 17, 2012
Okay, the Vitamix looks clunky but it is the war horse of mixers. And in fact it is very easy to clean as all you really need to do is add some detergent, half fill it with hot water and crank it up to high.
Lynn R. January 23, 2018
Will it mill flour? Make nut butter? I am about to invest. We make a lot of nut-based sauces that need to be creamy!

Merrill S. September 16, 2012
Not to confuse matters, but I love my Waring blender, and it looks so nice too!
Cookie16 September 16, 2012
This was my runner up...and I have to say, I am having a tough time letting go of the idea! It is much prettier than the VitaMix. As a designer, I'm having a hard time getting over the idea of spending that much money on something unattractive, despite the fantastic functionality!
Author Comment
If you can't afford the $400-500 for a Vitamix, Cook's Illustrated recommends the Breville Hemisphere Control (model BBL605XL), which retails for $200. It's available from Amazon.

Voted the Best Reply!

dailykale September 16, 2012
I was in your shoes 4 yrs ago: serious cook, into healthy cooking, green juices/smoothies etc. I could not justify the high cost of Vitamix at the time, so went the route of a "less expensive" higher end blender. Went through three: Waring, Cuisinart and Breville...which did not work well (ie did not break down ingredients well) or broke because of what I was trying to blend. Ended up with Vitamix from Costco, which resolved all this and for me, paid for itself within 30 days. Wish it didn't take me 2 yrs and cost of three additional blenders to understand that this machine, while an investment, is *so* much more than a blender. Other blenders do not have 2 hp...and lack the motor speed to break things down. They have sharp blades and no speed; Vitamix is just the opposite. The clean up is so easy (esp compared to juicer) is my most used kitchen appliance - at least 6 times a day.

I now have one machine that is masterful at smoothies, healthy frappucino's, hummus, guac, soups, almond milk, nut butters, ice cream, salsa, dressings, sauces, chopping anything and the list goes on.

It is my most treasured kitchen appliance . This machine sells itself and often my houseguests are so impressed, they end up ordering one after their visit. Also the warranty and customer service are outstanding.

Let us know what you decide! Cheers.

Cookie16 September 16, 2012
Perfect! I think the decision has been made.
For all of those perks, I can definitely justify the cost. I use something to "blend" so often that it just makes sense to upgrade to the machine that can do it all. Thank you!!!
Chef S. September 17, 2012
Team Vitamix! That's what we used at my school. If they can hold up in a culinary school full of students I think that says a lot about them.
ChrisBird September 16, 2012
I have a blendtech that I like a lot. Costco had a deal going. Pricey, but I use it about 10 times more often than its predecessor. I got the 2 different sized goblets. Mostlyvusebthe bigger one.
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