help with Great Grandmother Challah recipe? Dough is more like batter. More flour?

I'd normally add more flour but the recipe says to resist the urge to add more flour. But it is too watery to even lightly knead. Should I mix it more? Let it sit more?

  • Posted by: KatinaP
  • September 26, 2012


MrsWheelbarrow September 26, 2012
Good work! Keep at it, you'll love this loaf and I expect you'll make it again and again.
KatinaP September 26, 2012
Photo as promised. Real test will be at the dinner party. Thank goodness for the egg wash that makes even a monster loaf look appealing! Thanks for your help Mrs Wheelbarrow!
MrsWheelbarrow September 26, 2012
Just dust your hands with flour, work quickly, and don't braid tight. I usually place the three ropes on the baking sheet (lined with parchment, dusted with cornmeal) and start in the center and work out, flip it around and finish the other side.
KatinaP September 26, 2012
Just deflated it for 2nd rise. Still sticky. I've braided nonsticky dough with great success in the past but am nervous about braiding sticky dough...Any advice?
KatinaP September 26, 2012
I'll even post a photo once it's done! Thanks.
MrsWheelbarrow September 26, 2012
This is a very loose dough - like batter? no, but very soft. It takes some experience to trust that it will come together, and I completely get that. Even with more flour, and even if it's shaggy, it's going to be a great bread, really! Promise you'll let me know?
MrsWheelbarrow September 26, 2012
Hi KatinaP, the dough is very loose but do add more flour as you need to. Once it rests, it will come together a bit more. You can probably Add up to two cups of flour.
KatinaP September 26, 2012
But I should not be able to pour it out of the mixing bowl like a batter, right? I added a lot more flour but was afraid of over-kneading it after I added the additional flour. The dough is on the first rise right now. It's a bit shaggy though. Is under-kneading a problem?
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