Does anyone want to know the nutrition facts of these recipes?
I am a food lover of all kinds, but sometimes when I look at a recipe I'd like to know the nutrition facts....anybody with me out there?
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I am a food lover of all kinds, but sometimes when I look at a recipe I'd like to know the nutrition facts....anybody with me out there?
But there are practical considerations involved, as well as philosophical/aesthetic ones.
First, as Wendiamm notes, it IS tedious to calculate nutritional information for a recipe. So who do you make responsible for the tedium? The submitter of each recipe? Good luck with that. Someone at food52? That would probably require hiring a full-time employee.
Second, many recipes are written with inexact quantities--chicken stock "to cover," salt "to taste," olive oil "to film the pan," etc, etc. One has to make assumptions about actual quantities in order to do the math, which adds to the work. Do you require recipe submitters to give exact quantities (or a range of quantities)? Or have someone edit recipes to provide them? Both those options seem contrary to the spirit of this site, which is to let recipes reflect the voice and sensibility of the people sharing them.
I do not, however, feel the same way about the current approach to nutrition facts labeling. The label was designed to send a message about how the experts viewed a healthy approach to eating circa 1980. The criteria was very specific and the intent, in this nutritionist’s opinion, was not to inform but to shame and to punish. It is this aspect of the label that I believe ATG117 & ATL have picked up on. To label a product “healthy” remains in many contemporary circles a kiss of death. The current label format is under review and the expected release date is about 2014. I anticipate some leniency in the criteria for total fat and, though I do not hold out much hope, perhaps a more positive approach.
As ChefUno points out, managing weight can be done very successfully with small portions and ingredient reading. For those who prefer a more analytic approach to weight management, however, calories are a useful food metric.
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I subscribe to the small portions of good food method of eating. An ingredient list tells me everything I want to know. Worst case is I eat too little and get hungry later. Easily fixed with a snack or dessert.