Help, I am ignorant when it comes to meat!
I usually make a simple beef bourgignon using a round (top or bottom) roast that I cut into chunks. This time I bought a "rump roast. " It had a really thick layer of fat on one side - the fat was really tough, and like thick plastic, very hard to cut through. Maybe its not the right cut for stew? Will the fat dissolve into the broth or should I cut it off? I usually cook this stew for several hours (4-6) at 300 degrees F. Full disclosure: I usually buy grocery store meat but this time I bought pasture-fed beef from Farmers Market. I don't want to throw away flavor but I don't want globs of fat in the stew?
I think you're on the right track here.
The term "rump roast" is not definitive, except it's safe to say it's from the same primal (round) as your usual cuts. In any case, stewing and braising are ideal preparations so no worries there.
Fat = flavor so I'm always hesitant to throw it away but there is definitely a line between unctuous and greasy. If it were me, I'd cut off the heavy fat layer before browning. Fat will render during cooking but if there's too much, you'll just end up skimming it off or, as Chef June suggests, discarding it after it cools. Most diners would prefer you not serve them a big hunk o' fat and that's the real issue as far as I'm concerned. Personally, like Garlic Fiend, I like a little fat, just not too much.
Now, as to discarding flavor, there are water soluble flavors and fat soluble flavors. The water isn't an issue here. The fat will pick up flavor from the other ingredients and that flavor will go overboard along with any excess fat. Better, then, not to introduce too much fat at the beginning.