Last I made a pork roast in the crockpot! Loads of Broth leftover, full of spices like cumin and chili powder. Looking for good ideas to use



Pegeen October 7, 2012
Yum. Freeze at least some of the broth in an ice cube tray, then separate the cubes into different plastic baggies (and label!). Add the cubes to soup, stews or sauces in months to come.
missb503 October 7, 2012
Any rice and beans recipe suggestions? I'm pretty novice so not sure where to start
irinaleibo October 7, 2012
Rice and beans for sure!
ChefOno October 7, 2012

You could also defat then reduce the liquid to make a sauce for the pork, either as-is or as a base for a BBQ sauce.

thirteenJ October 7, 2012
Rice and beans?
Kristen M. October 7, 2012
Wow -- yum. Sounds like a great starter for chili or just straight beans. Or tacos. Or more pork, pulled. Or soup.
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