A question about the recipe for Brown Butter Candied Apple Clafoutis

The recipe calls for Almond flour and tapioca starch -- I'm guessing it was formulated as a gluten-free recipe. Since I rather not add almond flour to the already overflowing pantry, what would happen if I made it with regular flour? Would it still need the tapioca starch? Is that added to make up for a quality that's typically added by the use of regular flour?

  • Posted by: Peter
  • November 16, 2012


Shuna L. November 16, 2012
Your deduction is correct. Almond flour is very high in fat and the tapioca starch works to balance this within the context of all the other ingredients' fat and hydration properties. Clafouti is basically a crepe baked thick. But because a clafouti needs less structure (because one is eating it out of a dish), it's quite easy to make it Gluten Free.
Midge November 16, 2012
Thank you for asking this Peter! I plan on making this for Thanksgiving and was wondering the exact same thing as one of our little guests has a nut allergy. Looking forward to hearing the scoop.
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