harvard beets

Hi, do you have a good recipe for harvaard beets

the best
  • Posted by: the best
  • November 17, 2012


matthew.shaw.547 November 17, 2012
Harvard beets! I forgot those existed, haven't had them in forever, but I may have to cook some up this holiday season.
In a saucepan over medium heat, combine a half cup of sugar, a third of a cup vinegar (I use cider, but red or white is just fine,) a pinch of salt, a couple cloves (optional) and a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch. Whisk until cornstarch is dissolved, then simmer until sauce is thick and clear. Reduce heat to low and add six cups of cooked beets, diced or sliced, then simmer for fifteen minutes. Cooked beets can be boiled beets, roasted beets, canned beets, or heck, even microwaved, your choice.
If the sauce is too thick for your liking, thin with orange juice, beet juice, beet cooking water, or just plain water.

P.S. To microwave fresh beets, just trim the tops off, stab them a couple times, and place them cut side down in a microwave safe pie dish with an inch of water, then nuke for two to six minutes, depending on size. The results are almost indistinguishable from roasting, and perfect for recipes like this.
Diana B. November 17, 2012
Here's Gourmet's: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Harvard-Beets-11709
SeaJambon November 17, 2012
I stand corrected. However, a Google search of "Harvard Beets" will yield several options.
SeaJambon November 17, 2012
Search the recipe section of the site and you'll find lots of recipes for beets. :)
the B. November 17, 2012
Question lots of nice recipes for beets, but could not find any for harvard beets!
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