Q: I need a good beet recipe. Have any good ideas?



Anitalectric April 2, 2012
This one! Easy, fast, and incredibly tasty.

Cookie16 April 1, 2012
Call me crazy, but I like my beets roasted, and just sliced, with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette, maybe some fresh dill and a pinch of salt. Simple is best sometimes.
ATG117 April 1, 2012
I just came across an inspired recipe for beets with pistachio sauce on a fellow food52ers blog:


Jessica T. April 1, 2012
Chocolate Beet Cake. Trust me. It's amazing -- I used Joy the Baker's recipe. It ended up being the best chocolate cake I had ever made, beets or no beets. I had a little trouble with the frosting, but I'm frosting-impaired, so I don't fault the recipe. And it's gorgeous!
mrslarkin April 1, 2012
Here's a great, easy recipe: http://www.food52.com/blog/2578_jamie_olivers_smoked_beets
belfman April 1, 2012
I roast different beets in foil packets in the oven, then cool, peel and dice. I like to mix them with baby greens, crumbled goat cheese and spiced/sugared pecans. A light vinnegarette and you have a wonderful salad which can be a main course or side.
X April 1, 2012
Below please find links to two of my favorite beet recipes. The first is a delicious cold beet soup and the second a fabulous salad which incorporates roasted beets with sauteed beet greens and toasted pumpkin seeds. You will enjoy them both.


Pegeen April 1, 2012
Are these frozen, sliced beets?
sfmiller April 1, 2012
Beet rosti is awfully good, if you like the earthy sweetness that makes beets beet-y (and sounds much better than "beet pancake").


But my favorite way to eat beets is roasted, sliced, and marinated while still warm with balsamic vinegar, thinly sliced red onion, celery seed and salt.
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