Christmas Menu for 2?

My husband and I are orphaned for this Christmas--unable to travel to our families across the country because of work commitments. What should we have on our menu?



DebJ December 19, 2012
On the traditional side of things, perhaps start with a Frisée salad with pears, toasted walnuts and chevre with a balsamic dressing;
Two recipes from the old New York Times International Cookbook: Steak au poivre and Ciro potatoes.
My husband isn't a dessert fan, so later in the evening we've had his choice of cheeses (Stilton, St. Andre) with some port.

Whatever you decide, have a wonderful Christmas.
Bevi December 18, 2012
Are you up for a mini timpano? That would cover off on the pasta and the beef....
Bevi December 18, 2012
Whatever you decide to cook, make sure you can languish the next day with minimal cooking!
kimhw December 18, 2012
Steak au poivre with lobster and mascarpone whipped potatoes and a spinach, walnut, cranberry salad with warm bacon dressing.
mrslarkin December 18, 2012
This is amazing:

Also, how about some jumbo shrimp cocktail, and these beef skewers? I think the horseradish sauce would work for the shrimp as well.

And this salad, with a poached egg, of course!

And something bubbly to drink.

And definitely something sweet. Maybe this?

Merry Christmas, Hilarybee!
Hilarybee December 18, 2012
Thank you! Potted pig looks exactly like something I'd love-- love terrines and pates. Husband not so much. But the Beef skewers look really great. Deeply contemplating Thirschfield's Sunday Porterhouse--
Midge December 18, 2012
My husband and I were in the same boat a few years ago so we made pierogi (yam and smoked gouda) for dinner -- labor intensive but fun to do together and festive.
Sweets December 18, 2012
We like to have a meal that invokes memories of trips we've taken together. We are starting with pickled anchovies (which we learned to love in Istanbul), and having a porterhouse with cannelllini beans (tuscany) as our main. We are debating over desert right now. I want creme brûlée while he wants to try to make baklava. Either way, I think the most important part is making it together and enjoying ourselves
ChefJune December 18, 2012
What do the two of you LOVE to eat? I'd start with a portion of a (home made) foie gras terrine and then go to a scallop dish with mushrooms and truffles. Champagne could go with the whole thing, or you could opt for a Grand Cru Chablis with the scallops. Dessert? for us it would probably be something coconutty. Or our favorite Sweet Potato Pie with cinnamon oce cream.
Hilarybee December 18, 2012
Well, I love mussels so we will definitely be having mussels with ale and mustard-Belgian style, one of my favorite things. Husband loves beef, bacon, pasta, all things coated in sugar.

Voted the Best Reply!

ChezHenry December 18, 2012
Chateuabriand Filet Mignon roast with a rosemary garlic rub, Pommes Dauphinoise, Roasted whole carrots, and String beans blanched, then sauteed with garlic and almond slivers, served with a bottle of Chateaneuf de Pape. First course Oysters Rockefeller served with Pommery Cuvee Louise Champaigne. For dessert, Grand Marnier Souffle with Creme Anglaise served with a snifter of B&B.
Hilarybee December 18, 2012
We did have Thanksgiving with the inlaws who actually live pretty close--but we're not up for the extended family trip. I did get the turkey caracass out of thanksgiving, and still have about two quarts of turkey noodle soup left. But I still want Christmas to be special.
bigpan December 18, 2012
We thought ahead and bought an extra turkey at thanksgiving and cut it in half, the vacuum packed it into the freezer.
So our dinner will be the full meal deal - just cut down a bit in size ... and leftovers for sure.
hardlikearmour December 18, 2012
I'd probably go surf & turf with either lobster tails or seared scallops and your favorite steak. Served with a brightly flavored salad +/- another veggie side. Definitely sparkling wine. A small portion of something decadent for dessert - maybe Merrill's Chocolate Mousse with Cointreau and Chocolate Shards?
IdaArianna December 18, 2012
Try something different this year! Blinis made with long processed batter are excellent for this occasion! Serve them with fish eggs, sour cream (smetana), finely chopped red onions, olives and pickles if you like! They can easily be the main course or the starter, depending how much you can eat! Oh! Don't forget the champagne!
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