Carrot Cake, Vegetable Oil or Butter?
Going to make a carrot cake for the first time. As I look through available recipes, most call for a generic vegetable oil of some kind. I have to go back all the way back to my beloved James Beard’s American Cooking to reference a recipe for carrot cake that uses butter. Does anyone know why?
Lemon sugar glazing
Besides, carrot cake should be rich and dense, almost to the point of being a secret moist and naughty indulgence. It should make you feel pleasantly guilty for absconding with a slice for breakfast as you run out the door. It should be an amnesiac drug to make you forget that carrots have health benefits as well as making the cake sweet and sultry (because carrots are nothing if not sultry). That's what perfect carrot cake is to me, and in order to do all that, it needs butter, real butter.