matzoh balls

I am preparing Matzoh ball soup this evening. Made the chicken stock last night. My question; How long in advance can I mix the ingredients for the matzoh balls. Most recipes call for 30-45 minutes refrigeration before cooking the MB in boiling salted water. I would like to mix them up this morning and cook them in the evening, 6-8 hours of refrig time. Would this be acceptable or will I compromise the result?

  • Posted by: Lorenza
  • February 6, 2013


cratecooking February 6, 2013
I agree, they should be just fine!
RespectThePastry February 6, 2013
The longer the balls sit the better they will be. Resting allows the glutens (proteins) to relax so they are fluffy and light and it also lets the the flavors mesh and the moisture to spread evenly through the mixture.
Monita February 6, 2013
That will be fine. Some recipes even call for preparing the "batter" the night before
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