Possibly to old dried small red beans in the cupboard around 2 years

I have been cooking pinto beans and other types for years. I tried my first red beans and rice recipe yesterday. I don’t soak my beans. It takes a lot of the flavor out of the pot of beans. I pretty much put everything in the pot at once. Stock meat seasoning. Bring to a boil then simmer until the pinto beans are done. I have fed several large groups and always get compliments.
I fallowed the recipe yesterday cooked the trinity then added sausage and ham bone. Then 8 cups of stock and the beans. Then cooked them like I cook my pintos. First I noticed a lot of them looked shriveled by the time I put on simmer. I simmered them for about 3 hours and they were looking better and started to thicken. It looked like they weren’t cooking evenly though. I took out some I thought looked right and some that looked a little small stil. When I mashed them the the smaller ones were white inside not done. I figured it was because I tried not to add too much liquid because they needed to be thicker and creamy which even though I stirred regularly left a few out of the liquid.
It was getting late so I turned off the pot and stirred it every few minutes for a hour and a half to cool them some then stuck the pot in the refrigerator. I was going to try finishing them today. When I took them out of the fridge they had soaked up all the liquid.
I’m going to add enough liquid to cover them and bring to a boil then simmer until they are all done. If I don’t have to mushy mess will they be safe to eat?

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KLS May 15, 2024
they will be safe, the beans just need more liquid to cook.
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