Can you recommend a good blend for do-it-yourself za'atar? I need to make up a new batch for this, so I'm wondering what spices/herbs/seeds you al...

...l typically use, in what ratio. Thanks so much, everyone. ;o



creamtea March 11, 2013
Gil Marks lists sesame seeds, toasted, Syrian oregano or a blend of thyme and marjoram, sumac and salt. He mentions that originally wild hyssop (eizav) lent its name to the blend, but it is now protected. My daughter will be bringing me some za'atar blend from the spice stall at the Jerusalem souk next week...!
QueenSashy March 10, 2013
btw, the za'atar I used in this dish is Israeli blend from kalustyans. The label says: thyme, toasted sesame seeds, anise, coriander, curcuma, chickpeas, sumac, salt, fenugreek, frike', citric acid.
threefresheggs March 10, 2013
Heidi Swanson had a nice post about this recently. She favors thyme heavily. I like to up the sumac myself.
healthierkitchen March 9, 2013
there's one embedded in this recipe - same ingredients but slightly different proportion. I cut the salt, too.
healthierkitchen March 9, 2013
there's one embedded in this recipe - same ingredients but slightly different proportion. I cut the salt, too.
AntoniaJames March 8, 2013
Sounds perfect, sdb! Thanks so much. ;o)
sdebrango March 9, 2013
I like to go heavier on the sumac, because I love it!
sdebrango March 8, 2013
The recipe I have uses equal amounts of everything, 1 tbs each of dried marjoram, thyme, toasted sesame seeds and sumac, I like to use a tsp of course sea salt some may use more. I have only made it once and it was good but I am sure that others more adept at spicing would have a better recipe.
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