Characteristic humps on Madeleines?

Everytime I bake my madeleines they come out different. They always taste great, but they are often missing their hump. I have tired many different techniques but really seem to work. Could filling the pans to full be the cause of the problem?



john G. April 1, 2013
chill your molds
Dona March 31, 2013
I followed the link to Dorie Greenspan's post about Madelines. Are they supposed to be THAT humpyy? I've been doing to wrong all these years. That is some big humps!

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Greenstuff March 31, 2013
Sorry, I wrote it wrong!! My minds on other things...
Let the batter rest, fill and CHILL the pan. Pre-heat a baking sheet, and bake them on the hot sheet. Her pictures have the biggest madeleine humps I've seen. Check out that link.
Greenstuff March 31, 2013
Here's what Dorie Greenspan has to say--let the batter rest, and pre-heat the pan:
petitbleu March 31, 2013
How much batter are you putting in each depression? Also, what recipe are you using, or have you been using different ones?
GavinAvery April 1, 2013
I have been using Dorrie Greenspan's recipe and filling the molds just about to the top.
petitbleu March 31, 2013
Have you tried refrigerating the batter for a little while (about 30 minutes) before baking? If you refrigerate it to firm it up a bit, then mound a tablespoon of batter in each depression in the madeleine pan. Don't spread the batter. This should help with the hump!
GavinAvery March 31, 2013
I have refrigerated the batter and this method works sometime or only on a few in the batch.
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