How can I make homemade champagne vinegar
LeBec F.April 9, 2013
you two are terrific. you have finally given me the means to finally make my own(expensive vinegars are ludicrous)so THANK YOU!
AntoniaJamesApril 8, 2013
I do exactly what HalfPint suggests, but would add this: Make sure you secure the cloth on the top very securely (I use the tough blue rubberbands used on bunches of broccoli), as little flies will try their hardest to get inside the jar. Also, I usually "feed" mine every few weeks, with more champagne, or just a bit of white wine vinegar (1/4 - 1/2 cup, depending on how much I've got going) if I haven't any bubbly on hand. Wonderful stuff. I have some in progress right now. ;o)
HalfPintApril 8, 2013
First and most important, you'll need a vinegar mother, probably the one for white wine. You can get these mail ordered or from a local brewing supply store (you can ask them which mother you'll need). Then you basically, put the mother in a large container (preferable stone or glass) with some flat champagne and maybe a little water. Cover the container with a cloth, something that will allow the contents to breathe. Then place the container in a cool location until the liquid starts to taste like vinegar. Here's a website with details on how to make champagne vinegar,
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