If I want to put cubes of roasted butternut squash in a green salad for Thanksgiving (with grapefruit and pomegranate), will they get mushy and unappealing when the salad is tossed?

  • Posted by: VanessaS
  • November 24, 2010


healthierkitchen November 24, 2010
Agree with Greenstuff! I've done this for a fall salad. Just don't over cook the squash - make sure you take it out of the oven before it loses it's shape.
Greenstuff November 24, 2010
I mean vinaigrette. Can't type!
Greenstuff November 24, 2010
I've done this plenty of times, and I can't imagine why it would be "not recommended." I cut the squash into fairly small cubes, a bit smaller than a centimeter on a side. Then toss them with olive oil and roast them so that they have a nice brown edge. They are great with smallish greens, dried cranberries, and a vinegrette.
POTATO November 24, 2010
Sounds delicous! I live in NYC and it seems all the rage on restaurant menus right now is roasted squash in salads. I've seen it on so many menus lately, in great variety and different twists. As long as its not overcooked I can't imagine it getting mushy and I agree with the answer up top that recommended topping the salad w/ the squash before servine. Lovely.
chefdaniel November 24, 2010
butternut squash is not recommended tossed in a green salad. Also wear gloves when peeling the skin from the squash as it can cause contact dermatitis. Butternut squash is also called a pumpkin in Australia and New Zealand. I just do not think it would be alright myself.
Amanda H. November 24, 2010
The other concern is that the butternut squash cubes might fall to the bottom of the bowl because they'll be heavier than other ingredients. So I'd dress the salad, then top the salad with the squash. (Sounds delicious btw!)
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