Thoughts on CSA "authenticity"
This is something that has been nagging at me for awhile, and I'd love your thoughts. I've been part of a CSA for years that started as supporting a local (Seattle area) farm. It has grown considerably, and my weekly CSA box is no longer restricted to that farm and farms nearby, but this last week of 12 box items, three were "local-ish", one was from Oregon (not actually close) and a whopping eight (or 3/4) were from S. California -- well over 1,000 miles away (and, FWIW, local produce is rolling in like mad at the Farmers Markets, so this isn't driven by seasonal necessity). I guess what bothers me about this is that I'm not really supporting local farmers any longer but rather the CSA itself seems to be turning into more of an "organic produce delivery" system than what I envision for a CSA. So, am I off base? Am I overly sensitive? I know lots and lots of Hotline readers use CSAs, so what are your thoughts?
Until I can grow my own, I do the best I can!