Farmers market produce
I started purchasing produce from a vendor at the farmers market who I didn't used to frequent. He had some great variety on peppers, eggplants, and purple carrots. But I was really disappointed with the taste, which made me wonder whether I had too high expectation or whether there is something that can distinguish one grower from another in terms of the quality of their produce. I should also mention that it been a lot warmer here than it Gould be this time of year. Last week, we still had the end I tomatoes and peaches.
I live in a place with a big vegetable garden, and tasty, juicy produce from my garden never looked perfect or even - and it shouldn't. Tastier produce tends to be smaller and it might not be super smooth, so consider this when shopping at farmers markets. We still have eggplants and green beans too, but they kind of suck now - as they should.
I fully agree with the answers above!