How long do you cook salmon on the grill
MelusineAugust 14, 2013
For The Friend and me, salmon is "done" at 125 - 130 degrees. Since timing is uncertain -- depends, as already mentioned, on the grill, the thickness, the temp of the salmon when it's put on the grill -- the rest of the menu shouldn't be time-sensitive, and is ready to go on the table, so when the salmon hits the mark.
Sara,ComerfordAugust 13, 2013
Until its done, the flesh should pull adapt easily.
jendooleyAugust 13, 2013
I would agree w/ above and say I have a lot of success cooking flesh side down first for 2-3 min, then skin side until it's done
dymnynoAugust 13, 2013
Depends on the thickness of the fish. Just don't overcook it. Salmon should be a little rare, not dry and flaky.
pierinoAugust 13, 2013
There is no "absolute" answer to this question it depends on the thickness of the cut and the heat of your grill---I always prefer real wood for that additional smokiness. I tend toward the briefer time in cooking minutes, and the most basic suggestion is that "it's done when it's done". Keep an eye on it and don't burn it or dry it out.
MonitaAugust 13, 2013
A whole fish will take 10-12 min per side on the grill. Salmon steaks 7-8 min/side
Pam D.August 13, 2013
For wild salmon - 25 minutes at a low temperature (250 in the oven) - keeps it moist and tasty. We do it on foil, skin side down, right on the grill.
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