Colette's Japanese Cuisine: Have It? Cook from It?

I have a strong premonition that my question is going to go unanswered here. This book dates back to 1985 and I pulled it out tonight and became more determined than ever to cook a number of her intriguing 'fusion before there was fusion' Japanese based recipes.

I am so intrigued by so many of her ideas. How about roasting a pork loin w/ thyme and soy sauce and garlic, surrounded by lotus root and kumquats, and ultimately serving it with a sauce of blanched chopped okra, grated mountain yam, garlic, soy and lemon?! And scallops on a bed of cooked marinated wakame ( seaweed)? So many cool ideas, straightforward/pretty simple, and very healthy.

Anyone know if Colette Rossant is still alive? A real firecracker!

I am so intrigued by so many of her ideas. How about roasting a pork loin w/ thyme and soy sauce and garlic, surrounded by lotus root and kumquats, and ultimately serving it with a sauce of blanched chopped okra, grated mountain yam, garlic, soy and lemon?! And scallops on a bed of cooked marinated wakame ( seaweed)? So many cool ideas, straightforward/pretty simple, and very healthy.

Anyone know if Colette Rossant is still alive? A real firecracker!

LeBec Fin
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Andrea N. September 17, 2013
Though I never got a copy of Colette Roussant's book, I did recognize her byline in Saveur years ago. Here's the bio from her website:
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