Only have light Karo syrup for a pecan pie, but prefer dark--will subbing part molasses do the trick?



jessm4 December 3, 2010
i don't mind using molasses -treacle works just as well also. if you've not tried bourbon peacan pie- it's an awesome take on the traditional recipe.
Nora November 29, 2010
I agree with cheater. My fave pecan pie uses only brown sugar. I find the syrup flavor off-putting by comparison.
AntoniaJames November 28, 2010
Subbing a significant amount of molasses (more than a tablespoon) will give it a strong flavor that will interfere, in my opinion, with the pecan. I agree with cheater chef, that you should sub some dark brown sugar. If you don't have brown sugar, use just a teaspoon or two at most of molasses. ;o)
cheater C. November 28, 2010
How about using some dark brown sugar instead of the other sugar in the recipe.
drbabs November 28, 2010
Dark corn syrup is light corn syrup plus molasses and artificial coloring. So, yes, you can substitute.
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