side dishes with Boneless Chicken?

any suggestions

Brandi Webster


Pegeen November 23, 2013
Is the urgency degree on the scale of, "need to produce within 2 hours for guests"? Could you provide some additional detail? Thanks!
Pegeen November 23, 2013
If this is really URGENT, here are a couple fast things to make (and your post is here a few times, so it must be urgent!)

This comes from the Food Blogs We Love column on this site:
Cauliflower casserole, cheesy top. You could substitute broccoli.

Roasted Potatoes
Chop your potatoes into similar sized pieces (so they all cook around the same time), toss them with a few tablespoons of olive oil. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper. If you have herbs such as rosemary or thyme, chop a tablespoon or two of that and mix in with you hands as well. Spread them out in a baking sheet with a little air in between the slices - use a sheet of parchment on top of the baking sheet if you want less clean-up. Roast the potatoes in a pre-heated 375 oven for 40 minutes. Once during cooking, use a flat pancake spatula to scoop up a bunch and turn them over. At 40 minutes, use a knife or fork to pierce one of the thicker potato pieces. If there is no resistance, they are done.
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