Uses for a trimed Silplat type baking sheet.

I got silicon baking sheet for Christmas. It's for a full sheet pan size. My oven isn't that large--So, I'll trim it down to half sheet pan size. What would be a good use for the trimmed bits?

  • Posted by: Sam1148
  • December 27, 2013


bigpan December 28, 2013
Regardless of the brand - do not cut. I have used my silpat for about ten years. They are great. Re-gift the big one and buy a small one to fit your needs.
Also, look around this spring for a silplat like item that is actually a coated wire mesh - same silicone coating. Use it on the BBQ so small things (prawns, cut up veg) do not fall through the grate.
Or, is it time for a larger oven and sheet pan ? (joking, maybe)
cookbookchick December 28, 2013
Have you considered exchanging it where it was purchased?
LeBec F. December 28, 2013
i cut in half my sheetpan sized silpat so i could cover 2 half sheet pans with it. no problems.
Sam1148 December 28, 2013
It's not a silplat brand. But another brand. Can't find the exact brand..but one like this:

I don't see any those long fibers could get into food when the cut side is on the edge of the mat. I know I"ve seen some chefs using silpat cut to size for something on TV---but can't remember the application.
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